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Workshop on “Rumi, Culture of Co-existence and Pluralism”

Workshop on “Rumi, Culture of Co-existence and Pluralism”

Workshop on “Rumi, Culture of Co-existence and Pluralism”

NEW DELHI, 20-10-2014: Mevlana University (Turkey), Turkish Language Programme of Jamia Millia Islamia and Indialogue Foundation organized a Workshop on “Rumi, Culture of Co-existence and Pluralism” on Monday, 20th October 2014 in Mir Taqi Mir Hall, Jami Millia Islamia. Prof. Dr. Tankut Yalçınöz, Vice Chancellor, Mevlana University (Turkey) honoured the event with his presence as a Chief Guest. The first speaker of the event Dr. Hakan Gok, Director, Rumi Peace Institute, Mevlana University spoke on Rumi’s thought and his influence to current age. He enlightened audience with main six directions of Rumi:

  • In generosity and helping others be like a river
  • In compassion and grace be like sun
  • In concealing other’s faults be like night
  • In anger and fury be like dead
  • In modesty and humanity be like earth
  • In tolerance be like a sea

Second speaker Prof Syed Ainul Hasan, Chairperson, Center of Persian & Central Asian Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University delivered speech on Rumi’s teachings and gave special focus to Rumi’s poetry. Prof. S. A. Hasan emphasised that Rumi borrowed 50 stories from Indian methodologies to his work Masnavi. At the end of the Workshop, participants received “Certificate of Participation”.