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National Seminar on “Indo-Turkish Relations”

National Seminar on “Indo-Turkish Relations”

momento to itbaBy Yasin Yakut,

HYDERABAD: Indo –Turkish Seminar was held on Saturday, 18th March 2006 in PGRR Centre for Distance Education Seminar Hall in Osmania University, Hyderabad. It started at 10.50 a.m. Topics of the Seminar were History, Culture, Language, Business-Trade and Tourism between two countries. President of the Seminar was Prof. Suleman Siddiqi, Vice Chancellor of Osmania University and Chief Guest was Sri Md. Ali Shabber Honorable Hon’ble Minister for Information and Public Relations, Energy and Coal and Chairman-NRI Study Group and Dr. M. Rahman, Chairman Bombay Mercantile Bank and former Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University was the Guest of Honor.  Inaugural Function started when the Chief Guest arrived. Prof. A.W. Azhar (Genaral secretary of SIFPTCAC), Mr. Sadi Sen (SIFPTCAC, AP in-charge),  M.K. Patodia (Chairman CII), Prof. Purusotham Reddy (Retired Prof. from Osmania University and environmentalist ) were there on the dais along with President Prof. Suleman Siddiqi, Sri Md. Ali Shabber and Dr. M. Rahman.

Welcome address of the seminar was given by Prof. Purushotham Reddy. After welcome address Prof. Suleman Siddiqi gave his speech as the president of the seminar. Briefly he talked about the old good relations between two countries and the importance of the close relations of the two countries today and in the future. Honorable Hon’ble Minister for Information and Public Relations, Energy and Coal and Chairman-NRI Study Group Sri Md. Ali Shabber gave his speech after Vice chancellor. He talked about close relations in the past and what they want to do as a state government. Following him Prof. A. W. Azhar, general secretary of the Society gave brief information about SIFPTCAC. After that Mr. Sadi Sen in-charge of the Society in Andhra Pradesh introduced the aims of the seminar. Dr. M. Rahman former Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University talked about the good relations in the past the need of close relations today after Mr. Sadi Sen. Next and last speaker Mr. M.K. Patodia, Chairman CII gave detailed information about the import-export rates between the two countries in the year 2005. At the end of the Inaugural Function mementos were given to the respected guests on the dais and off the dais. With vote of thanks Inaugural Function session closed.

As it was one day seminar there were only two sessions. First session started after the Inaugural Function. First session was chaired by Dr. Saugat Mukherjee- Head, CII A.P., and co-chaired by Dr. M. Rahman. In this session Prof. A.W. Azhar talked about Historical, Cultural, Linguistic relations between two countries in the past and today. After Prof. A.W. Azhar the Prof. Akbar Ali Khan Principal, Business Management and Commerce College of Osmania University talked about business opportunities between India and Turkey by giving a small presentation. In his speech he pointed out what can be the best investment areas in both countries and how to improve business and trade relations. Next speaker of this session was Prof. T.L.N. Swamy director, university foreign relations office and economics professor. He talked about the detailed economy of the two countries. After his speech first session was over and all the guests went for the lunch in University Guest House.

Second session started after the lunch at around 3 P.M. This session was chaired by Prof. A.W. Azhar and Co- chaired by Prof. Purushotham Reddy. In this session first speaker was Dr. M. Rahman. He gave a long presentation talking about the relations between two countries. Following him Prof. Purushotham Reddy talked about personal experiences on GAP project of Turkey and how to increase better relations between two countries. After Prof. Purushotham Reddy, Dr. Mohammed Faique, present faculty of Visva Bharaty University in West Bengal, gave a speech about Linguistic Relations in the past and today. And for this session last speech was given by Dr. Akhter Ali about how to develop tourism between India and Turkey. Before closing the session and the Seminar some Professors from different Universities of Hyderabad talked about their experiences in Turkey and feelings about the seminar. At the end Prof. A.W. Azhar chairman of the session gave a brief summary of the session and seminar.