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National Seminar on “Rumi Inside” at Osmania University

National Seminar on “Rumi Inside” at Osmania University

Welcome address by Mr. Sadi Sen,


Respected chief guest of the program Sri P. Shiv Shankar former Union Minister for External Affairs and Human Resource Development.

Respected Guest of Honorable of the Program Sri k. Jana Reddy Honorable Minister for Home, Jails Fire Service, Sainik welfare and Housing, Government of Andhra Pradesh.

Respected Madam Prof. Dr. Giuli Alsani, Chairperson, Executive Committee, Black Sea University of Georgia

Other esteemed dignitaries on the dais.

Distinguished Scholars of the Program.

Dear guests: Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of Indialogue Foundation I would like to welcome you all to our national seminar, “The Rumi Inside”.

This advanced technology and telecommunications era makes our world smaller and it is supposed to bring humankind much closer to each other. But strangely and unfortunately the more technology and communication advance the more gap between humankind increases. In this hectic age humanity needs to understand each other more then ever.

It is our nature that we are enemy of unknown. When any of us hear a strange noise while walking in a dark street, our first reaction will be defense and worry, but after going and seeing that the noise is caused by a small kitten our defensive and worried reaction will turn into love, care and sympathy.

Key factor in each and every conflict in our world today is not to known and understand one another properly. Therefore understanding each other is the first step in the direction of conflict solutions and getting a peaceful world. To understand each other accurately we need to come closer. As Rumi said we should say to one and call “Come, Come, whoever you are!/ Wandered, Worshiper, lover of leaving, it doesn’t matter/Ours is not a caravan of despair/ Come, Come even if you have a broken your vows a thousands times/ Come, Yet again , Come, Come!” We should be so tolerance that our hearts become wide like the ocean and we should be inspired with faith and love for others.

This is the primary goal of our foundation, Indialogue. Indialogue is an action-oriented dialogue and peace foundation, founded in 2005 with the imagination and the fortune of a group of Turkish and Indian people to promote and to encourage local, national, international, intercivilizational, intercultural, interfaith, intercommoned and interethnic dialogue, love, tolerance, understanding, reconciliation, harmony, co-existence, tranquility and peace. As adherents and devotees of love, tolerance, dialogue and peace we believe that coming closer of individuals, societies, faiths, cultures and civilizations will result in a culture of dialogue and tolerance among all humankind. Therefore peace and harmony will be achieved all over the world.

2007 is the 800th birth anniversary of eminent philosopher, mystical poet, the great spiritual and literary figure of all times, Mawlana Jalaluddin – I – Rumi. That is why this year has been designated as “Rumi Year” by UNESCO. Mawlana Rumi is famous for his message and call for love, humanity, peace and unity. “You have been sent to the earth to unite people/you have not been sent to the divide people” says Rumi and continuous to impress all humanity from an eight hundred years distance.

Today in this seminar, we will have a chance to voice Rumi’s message and call for love, humanity, peace and unity once again. Distinguished spiritual leaders, scholars and professors will enrich wisdom and remind one and all about the importance of dialogue, harmony, love, peace and unity, I hope those essential values will be inculcated in each and every individual and this seminar will be a humble contribute in this regard.

Before concluding my words, on behalf of Indialogue Foundation and on my personal behalf I would like express our gratitude to one and all for gracing our program with their presence.

Thank you very much!