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Lecture on “Muslim-Christian Relations” at ACTC

Lecture on “Muslim-Christian Relations” at ACTC

By Nurdin Kaparov,

HYDERABAD: Human is enemy of what he doesn’t know, in this direction Interfaith Dialog plays crucial role in bringing and projecting commonalities among different religions. Culture of Living Together is a new approach that is essential in today’s globalizing world; through technologies and other means people became more closer and that also should reflect in familiarity of people and association in social spheres.

It was a special day at Andhra Christian Theological College where participants of Indialogue Foundation had a chance to interact with students and faculties. New Chapel a newly built prayer hall at ACTC campus was a venue where this meaningful occasion took place.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Anthoniraj Thumma in his opening speech briefed students about academic studies that are carried in the area of Muslim-Christians Relations. And suggested that students can take research projects in this field and also recommended journals and books that can be referred. Details about the initiations taken by Pope and Vatican City in this direction were some of important information. His experience from Interfaith Trip to Turkey was a virtual voyage for audience. At his closing speech he expressed his personal feeling that Muslims and Christians should work together towards building prosperous future and securing peace.

It was pleasing fact for students to be acquainted with knowledge on Muslims’ belief to Jesus, Mary and Abraham (peace be upon them); these are some of fundamentals of faith in Islam, that unless he/she can’t be considered true believer. Mr. Murat Kiran who is currently working in India and graduate of Divinity Department of Hitit University of Turkey, attended event to explain these religious principals. He referred from Holy Quran to point these basics and read some part of Chapter Mary. Listening both original Arabic Version and Translation were compelling for audience to learn about Islam’s perspective towards Mary (peace be upon her). Students and faculties expressed their concern to know more about Jesus and Abraham in Islamic Faith and invited Mr. Murat to give Lecture on these areas in future.

Indialogue Movie Presentation and images from previous Interfaith Meets appreciated by attendees, and they expressed willingness to take part in these valuable endeavors.