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Lecture on “Indian and Turkish Foreign Policies” at HMI

Lecture on “Indian and Turkish Foreign Policies” at HMI

By Nurdin Kaparov,

HYDERABAD: Prior to Lecture Indialogue Foundation participants explained on aims and objectives that are carried by Foundation and showed Movie Presentation about the activities that are organized. During presentation it was also briefed about “Interfaith and Intercultural Journeys” that are arranged between Turkey and India, where delegations are invited to travel and educate themselves; during journey the visits are made to schools, universities, media establishments, interaction with NGOs and most important sharing meal with families that give total cultural exposure. 

Globalization is an ongoing phenomenon and no one can reject, it’s required to turn this process into a win-win situation where all the nations will be benefited. According to some analysts the food inflation that is observed in India is also due to the export-import regulations of grains and vegetable with abroad, it’s another debate to discuss merits and demerits of trade quotas, but what we have to understand is the fact that “globalization” and “foreign policy” have interwoven in our daily life. Dr. Mazher Hussain expressed his feeling telling: “It’s unfortunate that these subjects are least discussed in various platforms and international disputes not only bring harm for national level but for all citizens”.

Both India and Turkey played and plays important role in decision making process for global affairs. From history we can see that these two countries were very much influential and passed on their culture, language and traditions to other geographies. Regions those are associated with Ottoman Empire could be observed with rich Turkish architecture, linguistic and religious influence, magnificent Mesjids in Middle East and South Europe are signs for it. Entire population in Indian Ocean where influenced with Indian traditions, also with cuisine through the spice trades. Even today in Indonesia and Malaysia though it’s a majority Muslim populated states you can witness the plays are performed from Epics “Mahabharata and Ramayana” during special events. The Buddhism which is originated from India is followed by many nations in Far East. All these cultural exchange could be possible only through Love and Affection, centuries back may be kingdoms were dominating others through wars but it’s not the way of our time at all.

Turkey because of unpleasant conflicts with its neighboring countries in last century and enmity that is bestowed for long; lost all the opportunities that could be advantageous to its economic and social progress. It’s only during last decades it’s started to develop good relations with its neighboring countries, and removed visa regulations with some of them. The hundreds of educational schools and cultural centers those are established by Turkish volunteers as a civic initiation are also playing important role in bringing familiarity between people and in turn building friendship bridges. Some are blaming Turkey that it’s turning its back to Europe some are blaming that it’s to Asia through alignment process for EU, whatever it could be it should not sacrifice one for another. 

After Partitioning the 8000 km of international border has come into existence with its own people for India, especially terrorism and border disputes occupy major role for disassociation in many areas. Many cultural exchange programs and SAARC initiations those are put forward bring hope for future collaborations. The ICCR (Indian council for Cultural Relations) Scholarship Programs which is provided by Indian Embassies in many developing Asian and African countries are worth of praise. Thousands of youth who benefited from these schemes are becoming goodwill ambassadors of India when they return to their home countries, these students besides being supported with financial allowance to pursue their education in Indian Universities they are also engaged in cultural and study tours to get better insight of India.

Dr. Mazher Hussain told his concern that it’s important to have more civic engagement in international activities; like trade, education, cultural exchange etc, through which it will help for building better international relations, and told about “Centre for people’s Foreign Policy in South Asia” which has been initiated to serve these purposes. He also shared the success story of “Pakistan India Joint Signature Campaign for Peace” which was pioneered by NGOs and COVA just after the Mumbai terror attack during time when both sites were reluctant for talks. He told that it was welcomed by majority of citizens from both sites; the members of assembly of Punjab State Pakistan, swamis from India, academicians, intellectuals and many more came forward affirming Dialogue. 

Dr. Mazher Hussain expressed his concern that “It’s not time for India and Turkey to play the role of Big Brothers rather they must act as Elder Brothers, if required they even have to compensate for benefit of their smaller neighboring states but in long run it’s sure that they only will be gainers from this peace process”.