MUMBAI, 04/02/2016: Indialogue Foundation by virtue of being a forum for dialogue and peace, jointly with Observer Research Foundation and CSSS- Centre for Study of Social Science has convened a Panel Discussion on “Stopping the wars in West Asia”. In conjunction to the event the Foundation has invited concerned individuals and experts from across the country and abroad as well. The panel discussion was chaired by Advocate Irfan Engineer, Director of Centre for study of Society and Secularism. The panel was comprised of Prof. Anwar Alam, Professor of International Relations, Zirve University, Gaziantep, Turkey, Dr.Alper Y. Dede, Assistant Professor, Zirve University, Gaziantep, Turkey and Mr. Feroze Mithiborwala, A Mumbai based Peace Activist who has visited Syria thrice in the past three years.
The discussion began by briefing the current situation and explaining the human condition in the region. The panelists emphasized on to taking advantage of opportunities, building on successes and stability wherever they could be found, and doing what was possible in the short term in the hope that it would enable to do what was necessary to stop the war. The panelists generally agreed that military and security interactions should be bolstered by engagement in other areas. Educational economic and humanistic interactions are important for regional stability and should not be overlooked. The ongoing war in the region must be stopped by ensuring justice and by focusing on a proactive expression of social action through education, dialogue, relief work and upward mobility projects.
By summing up the speaker’s views of bringing peace as a solution, to the ongoing war in the west Asian region the Chairman of ORF Shri Sudheendra Kulkarni proposed the vote of thanks to the panelists and audience as well. With the comments, observations and questions from the audience the discussion came to an end.
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