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Book of Proceeding of the National Seminar on “The Rumi Inside”

Book of Proceeding of the National Seminar on “The Rumi Inside”



This is a Book of Proceeding of the National Seminar on “The Rumi Inside” organized by Indialogue Foundation in collaboration with Centre for International Programs, Osmania University. The Seminar was held at Osmania University on 21st April, 2007. The Seminar was intentioned to commemorate Year of Mawlana Jalaluddin-i-Rumi. Mawlana Rumi is famous for his message and call for love, humanity, peace and unity and he said “You have been sent to the earth to unite people/you have not been sent to the divide people”. And he still continuous to impress all humanity from an eight hundred years distance. 2007 is the 800th birth anniversary of this eminent philosopher, mystical poet, the great spiritual and literary figure of all times. In this regards year 2007 has been designated as “Rumi Year” by UNESCO.

Key factor in each and every conflict in our world today is not to known and understand one another properly. Therefore understanding each other is the first step in the direction of conflict solutions and getting a peaceful world. To understand each other accurately we need to come closer. As Rumi said we should say to one and call “Come, Come, whoever you are!/ Wandered, Worshiper, lover of leaving, it doesn’t matter/Ours is not a caravan of despair/ Come, Come even if you have a broken your vows a thousands times/ Come, Yet again , Come, Come!”

During Seminar paper presenters and participants voiced Rumi’s message and called for love, humanity, peace and unity once again. Distinguished spiritual leaders, scholars and professors enriched wisdom and reminded one and all about the importance of dialogue, harmony, love, peace and unity.

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Content of the Book (click to download each paper)

Discovering the Rumi Inside and Meeting Modern Day Rumis by Venerable Bhikhu Vinayakkhita

Addressing Mevlana’s Age and Focussing his Relevance to our own, as a light to Illumine our Paths by Rev. Fr. Dana Raju

Rumi’s Message of Universal Harmony by Swami Srikantananda

Mevlana Rumi -Who made Rumi, Rumi. by Dr. Shahid Ali Abbasi

Moulana Rumi & Sikhism by Nanak Singh Nishter

A Response of Hodjaefendi Fethullah Gulen to Rumi in Modern Times by Prof. A. W. Azhar Delhvi

A Modern Day Rumi by Dr. Gholam Sarwar

Jalaluddin Rumi – Poet and mystic by Dr.M Rahman