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Proforma for submission of short film to ISFC 2013 – “Peaceful Coexistence”

Proforma for submission of short film to ISFC 2013 – “Peaceful Coexistence”


Dr. E. Sathya Prakash,

Assistant Professor of Communication,

Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & Communication,

University of Hyderabad,

Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500046, India.





Dear Sir,

My name is ______________________________________. I am (pursuing/working as) ______________________________________ (name of the course/profession) at ______________________________________ (name of the Institution/Organization).

 I/We have produced the short film titled ______________________________________ for Indialogue Short Film Contest 2013 – ‘Peaceful Coexistence’. I/We herewith submit the above mentioned work for this contest. And I/We authorize Indialogue Short Film Contest organizers to promote and publicize the same.

I/We declare that:

The film is original work of mine (or group) and I/We have not infringed the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or any other intellectual property or rights of any person or entity. And I/We also state that the film doesn’t have any unlawful content.

Thanking you,



Name of Participant (representative of the group)




Stamp and Signature

Head of Institution



Note: Professionals and Freelancers do not need to get endorsed from their affiliated organization.