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Invitation for a Panel Discussion on Ethics of Media

Invitation for a Panel Discussion on Ethics of Media

media ethics

Objective of the Panel Discussion: Media is considered as the fifth pillar of democracy. There are ethics for the media which they should be considering and focusing on before the news reaches to the people.

Nowadays, majority of news writers, journalist and reporters are more interested in creating news for the sake of TRP, success and fame than showing the reality of the news. Media fabricates the news for monetary benefit. The real purpose of the media is lost somewhere.

The objective of the panel discussion is to guide young aspirants who wish to make their career in this industry and to spread awareness. They should know the ethics of journalism, reporting and news writing. Their only purpose should be to show the truth no matter what comes.  They should understand they have obligations and responsibility towards the society. Ethics is concerned with what is right or wrong, good or bad, fair or unfair, responsible or irresponsible, obligatory or permissible. The objective of the seminar is to highlight the importance of these qualities of ethics.

Some of the topics which would be covered would be:

1) Why ethics matters?

2) Why ethics is a social responsibility?

3) Media and democracy.

4) Media ethics and the effects on the society

5) Roles and responsibility of media

It’s a small effort by Indialogue foundation and Maeeshat Media to spread awareness about the ethics of Media.

 Key speakers:

1) Mr. Gurbir Singh, President Mumbai Press Club

2) Mrs. Sujata Anandan, Political Editor, Hindustan Times, Mumbai

3) Mr. Sarfaraz Arzu, Editor Hindustan Daily, Mumbai

4) Mrs. Jyoti Punwani, Senior Journalist

5) Mr. Danish Reyaz, Editor, Maeeshat

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