Love possibly the biggest and most enduring word, mostly referred to as “cliché” in the history of human emotion, language, and experience. Psychologists and researchers have proposed a number of theories of love. Love is a basic human emotion, but understanding how and why it happens is not necessarily easy. We spend our lives craving it, searching for it, and talking about it. Its meaning is felt more than it is clearly expressed.
In this seminar we will approach Rumi’s philosophy of love in his essential teachings. Rumi says “most of the problems of the world stem from linguistic mistakes and simple misunderstandings. Don’t ever take those words at face value! When you step into the zone of love; language, as we know it, becomes obsolete. That which cannot be put into words can only be grasped through silence.”
No doubt, we have made this world well connected through electronic gadgets but the wires of our hearts, unfortunately, remain disjointed. We are still groping in darkness and ideals nursing malignant feeling against one another.
Love is the ability to be open to others. Love is about connection. The capacity of love is that what make us human. Rumi calls love as a healer. The fire of love has potential to purify people… If you are ready to open your heart to others, seeking for new connections or you need a healer for the pain of heart don’t miss “a meeting of hearts.”
- Opening: Short Video on Rumi’s life
- Poet presentations
- Rumi’s Philosophy of Love
- Speaker: Halil Taymur (M.A Clinical Psychology Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS))
- Speaker: Suleyman Kaya (M.A. Linguistics, University of Mumbai )
- Vote of thanks
Date: 05.12.2015
Time: 3.30 pm
Venue: NB-1 of Vaikunth Chsl, 42 Lallubhai, Shamaldas Road, Andheri (w), Mumbai – 400 058
RSVP: Minhaj Shaikh (+91) 9594680729, email ID:
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