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Call For Papers – International Conference on Turkish and Indian Societies in Modern Context

Call For Papers – International Conference on Turkish and Indian Societies in Modern Context

Call For Papers – International Conference on Turkish and Indian Societies in Modern Context

Organized by

Indialogue Foundation, India  

Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, Mevlana University, Turkey, 

School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad, India

19-22 October 2016


Mevlana University, Konya-Turkey



Turkish and Indian Societies are regarded as one of the ancient societies in the world.  A great deal of research has been carried out to analyze historical links, literary and philosophical co-influences, religious impacts etc.  However, there is a lack of research in understanding of socio-economic structure of theses societies, changing cultural and linguistic patterns in these societies, new literary and philosophical trends emerging in modern times in these societies and looking at these issues from comparative perspective.  Hence, there is a need to make in-depth comparative analysis of Turkish and Indian societies in modern times from economic, social, cultural and linguistic point of view.  The present conference sequel to the conference held in University of Hyderabad, India in October, 2014.


The conference invites papers from the scholars who are making comparative study on Turkish and Indian societies from economic, social, cultural and linguistic standpoint.  Such analysis would contribute to further understanding of these societies and enable to identify more research areas in the study of these societies and promote people to people contact, business and trade.  This would also enable to frame up foreign policy in both the countries.


The papers are invited on the following sub-themes:


  1. Social structure of Turkish and Indian Societies
  2. Economic policies of Turkey and India
  3. New Literary trends in Turkey and India and their mutual influence
  4. Modern Philosophical theories and their co-influence
  5. Linguistic contacts between Turkey and India
  6. New Trends in Modern Art and their comparative analysis
  7. Modern Translations and their analysis
  8. Eurasia, Turkey and India
  9. Foreign Policy from Turkish, Indian Perspective.

However, the above themes are only suggestive in nature.  The papers are invited on any sub-themes related to theme of the conference.


Venue: Mevlana University, Senate Room

Language: English and Turkish

Abstract: 400-600 words

Format: MS Word, Times New Roman, Size 12. Footnote rather than Endnote

Costs: There is no conference registration fee.

Mevlana University shall provide conference kit, food and local tour.

Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation.


Submission guidelines


Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 April 2016

Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2016




  1. Indialogue Foundation, India: Mr. Osman Kayaoğlu,
  2. Mevalana University: Dr Hakan Gök,
  3. University of Hyderabad, India: Prof. J. Prabhakara Rao,


Conference email: (Please email your abstract here)

Conference web:

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