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Grant Program for Peace Projects 2014

Grant Program for Peace Projects 2014

Grant Program for Peace Projects 2014

After a very successful first year, we are happy to announce that applications for second term of Peace Projects Grant Program is open again.

Peace Projects is a grant program launched by The Journalists and Writers Foundation, Turkey (JWF) to support innovative conflict resolution and peacebuilding projects focused on preventing, managing and resolving violent conflict and promoting post-conflict peacebuilding. Peace Projects Grant Program awards will support projects up to US$50,000 that apply a broad range of disciplines, skills and approaches promoting peaceful coexistence and peacebuilding. Some of the possible themes include:

  • Inter-communal and inter-state dialogue/cooperation
  • Peace education
  • Pluralism and multiculturalism
  • Youth, conflict and peacebuilding
  • Early warning and conflict prevention
  • Mediation and negotiation
  • Post-conflict reconciliation
  • Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
  • Good governance, rule of law and transitional justice
  • Poverty reduction, development and peacebuilding
  • Gender equality and empowerment.

Non-profit organizations and individuals (including but not limited to academicians, activists, artists, community organizers, educators, filmmakers, journalists, scholars, social workers, and students) from all nationalities are eligible to apply.

JWF is a non-governmental organization in general consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. JFW aims to promote peaceful coexistence through dialogue and understanding at global, regional and local levels. Since its establishment in 1994, JWF has organized events promoting peace, tolerance and dialogue. 

The deadline for submission of projects is 30th September 2014.

More details can be found at