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Call for Papers – Gandhi Jayanti Seminar on “Embracing the Other”

Call for Papers – Gandhi Jayanti Seminar on “Embracing the Other”

Call for Papers – Gandhi Jayanti Seminar on “Embracing the Other”

Call for Papers
Gandhi Jayanti Seminar
on “Embracing the Other”
On the Occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence
2nd October 2014, New Delhi


Organized by Indialogue Foundation
Supported by Interfaith Foundation India, Islamic Studies Association & Global Peace Foundation India

Concept Note:
We live in a conflict ridden world. Social evils such as racism, fanaticism, favoritism and terrorism are wide spreading. ​In this violence soaked world, it is important for us to hold on to the teachings of Gandhiji. His teachings on peace and non-violence are relevant to the present day world.
​We the members of a number of civil society organizations in New Delhi come together to hold Gandhi Jayanti Seminar to commemorate International Day of Non-Violence. We invite scholars and peace activists to contribute papers on this year’s theme “Embracing the Other”. Organizers hope to bring together students of peace to share on pressing issues of the world and to discuss the philosophies on “Embracing the Other”. The Seminar is of interdisciplinary nature and contributors are welcome to look at the sub-themes and other topics conforming to the parameters of the main theme of the Seminar.

    “Embracing the Other” in Gandhi’s teachings
    Gandhi, Global Society and Peace-building
    2nd October, Non-Violence and Peace Initiatives
    “Embracing the Other” in Religions, Philosophies and Cultures
    Globalization, Multiculturalism and Culture of Coexistence
    Pluralism, Secularism and Peace-building
    The Role of Education in inculcating the virtues of “Embracing the Other”
    The Role of Media in preventing Identity-based conflicts
    Marginal Communities, Economic Inclusion and Development
    Social, Ethnic and Religious Polarizations and Social Cohesion
    Religious & Ethnic Identity-based conflict and Social Harmony
    Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue Initiatives towards a Harmonious Society
    Social Identity, Justice and Human Rights
    Prejudice, Otherness and Solidarity
    Citizenship, Family and Nation-building

Venue: Conference Hall, Indialogue Centre, M-207 Greater Kailash II, New Delhi 110048

Paper Submission:
    Last date for submission of paper is 20th September, 2014
    Last date for confirmation of selected papers is 25th September, 2014
    Paper should be on A4-size paper and written in MS Word. The Paper should not exceed 12 pages, and be 1.5-spaced
    The name of the author/authors, designation, institutional affiliation and email-id must be mentioned on the top of the first page.
    Paper should contain Abstract not more than 350 words
    Up to 7 keywords must be provided after Abstract
    Kindly attach a digital-copy of your photo
    Kindly attach scanned copy of the duly signed Certificate of Originality and Author Approval Form along with the Paper.


Prof. M. M. Verma, President, Interfaith Foundation India
Fr. Tom Kunnunkal SJ, President, Islamic Studies Association
Mr. Dhruba Prasad Lamichhane, National Representative, Global Peace Foundation India

Mr. Nurdin Kaparov, Director Delhi Office, Indialogue Foundation
Fr. Victor Edwin SJ, Lecturer (Christian-Muslim Relations), Vidyajoti College of Theology,
                     Member, Islamic Studies Association

Mr. Abduvakhid Azizov, Intern, Indialogue Foundation




Certificate of Originality and Author Approval Form

I ________________________________________________________________________

(designation) ______________________________________________________________

of _______________________________________________________________________

hereby confirm that Paper presently titled



a)    is an original work which has not been previously published and in no way whatever a violation or infringement of any existing copyright;

b)    the organizers of the Gandhi Jayanti Seminar on “Embracing the Other, 2nd October 2014, New Delhi, are entitled to include my Paper in the Conference proceedings souvenir/book etc., after editing by the Editorial Committee.

c)    the organizers can enter into a contract with a publisher of  their  choice for the publication of the aforesaid volume containing the said paper.

d)    the organizers can retain copyright in and assign all subsidiary rights relating to the said volume.
Signature:                                            Name of the Author/s
Date:                                                   Address


Signature:                                          Name of the Co-author (if any)
Date:                                                 Address


Signature:                                         Name of the Co-author (if any)
Date:                                                 Address