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Hizmet is rooted in the Culture of Dialogue

By Victor Edwin SJ  NEW DELHI: Dr. Marcia Hermansen, the Director of the Islamic World Studies Program and a Professor in the Theology Department at the Jesuit Loyola University Chicago, presented a lecture on Hizmet Movement (here after HM) at Indialogue Foundation, New Delhi on 7 March 2012. Dr. Hermansen teaches courses in Islamic Studies and […]

Hizmet reaches out to others giving much ground for hope

By Victor Edwin SJ NEW DELHI: In a recent Conference of Jesuits Among Muslims in Rome (September 2011) presenting his views on Hizmet movement, Prof Thomas Michel SJ of Georgetown University, Washington concluded: “‘Are Gülen and the Hizmet community friends or foes?’ I must answer that they are our friends. They are the kind of […]

Gulen Dervish of Our Time

By Prof. Qazi Obaid, NEW DELHI: Fethullah Gulen is a renowned and distinguished scholar of Islam having broad and in-depth knowledge of world history, politics and philosophy, besides having a comprehensive vision of world religions and religious movements. The main theme of his numerous writings and discourses, is interfaith dialogue which has assumed special significance […]

Importance of Interfaith Dialogue

By,  Prof. Mohsin Usmani Nadvi Dean, Foreign Languages Professor of Arabic, Centre for Arabic Studies English and Foreign Languages University   Ours is a multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-lingual country. As a historical sequence, the freedom to worship and the freedom to preach have merged as integral part of our social and religious structure. No bars, […]

Ganga-Jamni Culture (Tehzeeb)

By Laxmi Devi Raj, These are names of two rivers, yes! But in Hyderabad it is the cultural blend of its people. What is culture? Culture is universal- it is specific to a country, to a city and its people. Culture is the summit of a civilization. Hyderabad has an exemplary culture-culture rich in human […]